Navigating Pastoral Transition: Embracing the Divine Continuity in Church Leadership
Within the fabric of Christian communities, leadership stands as a cornerstone, guiding congregations through seasons of growth, challenge, and transformation. Yet, one of the most profound yet often overlooked aspects of leadership is the transition itself, particularly in the context of pastoral succession.
Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life
Have you ever given up on a dream because you have listened to that “little voice” in your head that tells you that you “can’t do it” or what’s the point?. That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner “mom” worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can’t do it,….
Change Your Thinking,Change Your Life
Have you ever given up on a dream because you have listened to that “ little voice” in your head that tells you that you “ can’t do it” or “ what’s the point ”. That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes the bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mom who freaks out when little johnny runs with a stick in his hand. Your inner “ mom ”, worries over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can’t do it, whatever it might be.
Why Let Financial Problems Ruin Your Marriage
Is money so hard to understand? Financial problems in a marriage are definitely a true relationship killer and one of the most common marriage problems that unnecessarily result in divorce. Money matters are quite simple when you think about it. You can either afford something or you can’t and, if you can’t you have two choices, either stop spending money elsewhere or earn more money.
When To Save Your Relationship
Happiness and fulfillment are two great components of a successful marriage. The absence of which, along with other things, may eventually cause marital disasters. The most basic principle that marriage counseling teaches is to save an existing relationship from total destruction and to lead both of the couple back to the path of marital bliss.
Inspiraton: From The Passion Of Waves
Watch the waves. Watch small waves, and watch the large waves. Watch them coming in, on the shore untiringly.
How To Have Confidence By Adopting a Realistic Attitude
To look at how to have confidence you need to understand that the typical person is always going to have some areas in their life that they are more confident than others.
Breathing: The Way Back To Balance
How are you inventing your life today? How does the way you think affect your actions? And how might you become more aware of the process?
How To Identify Future Leaders
Surveys show that executives use a person's conduct in a meeting as a basis for promotion into a leadership position. Here's why.